Order Tracking Words’ Definitions at Kohls Jewelry
After you have placed your order at any site you can’t wait to receive it! And when you try tracking your order you get to read words that sometimes do not make sense to you. The reason is that some words are mainly defined in a certain manner in a certain business. When it comes to tracking your order at an online store, you get to read words like Submitted, In fulfillment, Partially Shipped, Shipped/Complete, or canceled.
Kohl's Jewelry is a jewelry online store. It offers a wide selection of gold, gemstones, silver, and diamond jewelry. It not only deals in gemstone jewelry but has watches and fashion accessories as well. Kohl's Jewelry also provides an amazing shopping experience with free shipping and other Kohl's Jewelry discount codes. The shipping and returns policy of Kohl's Jewelry is good and can be used if one has to return purchased goods. Kohls Jewelry offers Kohls Jewelry coupon codes and Kohls Jewelry discount codes that can be used to get discounts on all sorts of products at Kohls.
Following are the definitions that can help you get a better understanding of the words that are used by Kohls.com or any other online store when you are tracking your order.
This word will show up when you have successfully completed the checkout process at Kohls.com. This means that your order has been accepted. This also means that your item has been sent for processing and it will reach your doorstep on time. After your order has passed this time when the word “Submitted” is converted to the phrase “In fulfillment”, then the store does not change cancel, or even modify the order.
In Fulfillment:
When the phrase, “in fulfillment” shows up the fulfillment center picks up your items and fills your order. This means that your package will be sent out as soon as possible. It depends on the delivery method you can pick to receive your order. After your order is “In Fulfillment”, the order can’t be canceled or modified.
Partially Shipped:
This phrase means that a certain part of your order has been shipped and the rest of the order will be shipped soon. The items may be shipped in multiple packages. This is not affected in any way if you use Kohl's Jewelry coupon codes to buy Kohl's items.
This means that your order has been completed, filled with the items and the items have been shipped. This means that the card that you have used to pay for the items has been billed, and the items have arrived at your shipping address. Your card is charged only when the items have been fulfilled and shipped. If any of the items you added to your cart and then canceled they are not charged for them.
This means that the item you did not want or had pressed the button canceled for has been deducted from your order or the entire order has been canceled and you will not be charged for it. This means you will not receive that item, even if you opt for the Cash on the Delivery option of payment. Your credit/debit card statement will show a temporary hold for the full amount of the order. The amount will be reversed and you will not be billed for the order.
This means that the order you returned has been delivered to the seller. Kohl's Jewelry tries its level best to send the exact item that has been ordered, however, if the merchandise that you ordered is not the same you can return it within 30 days of the delivery.
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