Going College Dorm Shopping

With the Autumn season’s arrival, comes the exciting back-to-school fervor. Students are heading back to their colleges to start the new school year and a multitude of them will be living on campus. Whether one is dorming or living in an apartment they need to have all the necessary tools to live on their own and to make their academic journey as efficient and fulfilling as possible. However, achieving this state can be quite nerve-wracking and difficult. Many young people may find it hard to decide what they need in their dorms and what would just be wasting money or distracting for them. This post is meant to clear these confusions up and make sure a student knows exactly what they should be getting for their dorm or apartment. 


Bedding is arguably the most important factor one must figure out before leaving for college. Most dorms do not provide bedding; they only provide the beds. It is the student and their families job to make sure they have the most comfortable bedding to get the valuable sleep they will need to perform in class. Items in this category that one must get are bed sheets(twin XL for dorms), comforters/duvets, pillows and pillowcases, mattress protectors, and optionally a throw blanket. For these bed sheets, one can visit SweetNight, a renowned store offering the finest quality items for comfortable sleep. Make sure to go for the SweetNight Coupon Codes and offers to get these items at affordable prices.


Usually, colleges provide for lamps, desks, chairs, drawers, and closets. However, before the first day of school one should definitely make sure all these pieces of furniture are indeed there. If not, make sure to prioritize these things when going dorm shopping. You do not want to move in and have none of these items. However, if you already have obtained these pieces and still want a more comfortable or interesting dorm room, you can get extra chairs, such as a couch or beanbag, or coffee tables. Make sure you also have enough storage space for all your clothes and day-to-day equipment. Most dorms already offer closets but if you are living far away from your home, that may not be enough space. That is why you should be prepared beforehand and make sure you know exactly what your dorm offers and what it does not. To buy this furniture at affordable prices, anyone can visit Macy's, a furniture-providing store. Don’t forget to use the Macy's Coupon Codes to get these items at cheap prices.

College Dorm Bedding, Furniture Essentials and Decor

Kitchen Supplies

Most kitchen supplies the student will have to bring themselves. This includes a microwave and minifridge to make sure you can warm and cool foods if need be. More importantly, students should make sure they bring dishware, cutlery, cooking utensils, and pots and pans. This will ensure you are not eating out all the time and wasting money. Cooking at home is much more affordable and thus should be done more frequently. Having all these tools already in your dorm will make it easier to cook at home and ensure you are saving money. Other kitchen supplies one needs to enable efficient use of time are can openers, cutting boards, dish soap, and sponges, food storage containers, and last but certainly not least, trash cans and bags. All these tools are a must to make sure your dorm stays clean and you have what you need to sustain yourself through the months. Purchase these items at low prices when Back-to-School Deals are going on with certain brands selling kitchen supplies.

Cleaning Supplies

Keeping the dorm clean is a must if you want to have a comfortable experience in college. However, it is your and your roommate's job to keep it clean. No one will be on you to do it so it will be your responsibility. Thus, you need the right cleaning tools to get the job done easily and quickly. The essentials include a Swiffer, vacuum cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, dust cloths, and a laundry basket. You can purchase these items from DHgate using some DHgate Discount Codes and offers. Make sure you have all these things and clean frequently to have the most sanitary environment for where you will be sleeping. 

Personal Items

There are many day-to-day items you will need for convenience and overall simpler way of living. Hangers, toiletries, towels, first aid kits, laundry detergent, and personal safety items(pepper spray if allowed) are all vital for college life. You always want a steady supply of all these items to make sure you are never lacking in any of these aspects. 

Kitchen, Cleaning Supplies, Personal and Optional Items

Optional Items

Now that we have covered all the items for your dorm that are essential, we can take a look at what is optional but can be nice to have. Starting with laptops, these devices can be extremely helpful for any major. Writing essays, creating presentations, and using college software, are all much easier on a computer rather than on your phone. You could also use it for entertainment in your free time. Along with a computer, an iPad is also very helpful. Instead of having the hassle and inconvenience of taking notes on paper, one can easily use an iPad and have everything they need on it. This eliminates the need for highlighters, pencils, notebooks, and binders. However, one must remember that when they have these expensive devices they must take care of them as well. Remember to buy cases and bring chargers to maintain your devices through the years. Don’t forget to visit Best Buy Discount Codes to purchase these items at affordable prices with the latest working discount codes and offers.


Students must remember that they will be living in these dorms for the whole year. Because of this, it can be boring if you just have a simple room with nothing to look at or nothing interesting to do. Wall art and posters are a prime way to make your room stand out and have style. You could also liven up your dorm room by bringing in plants or succulents just to make the environment more vibrant and pleasing to look at.

To wrap it all up, this time before school can be exciting and unnerving. This can lead you to forget what is most important when it comes to buying items for your dorm. Although the optional items and decor are most likely what you are tempted to buy first, remember that you will be living in this place a whole school year and won’t have anyone to be responsible for you. With this in mind, you must make sure you have everything that you need to live first. Once you have done that, then you can look at purchasing the other less important items on your bucket list from renowned stores with Best Daily Deals and offers. Ensure you grab all the latest discount codes and offers while shopping for your dorm room.